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Looking Back at 2020: Chinese Transracial Adoptees’ Experience Amid Dual Racial Pandemics - Research presented by Hannah Wing, M.S.Ed.

  • 06/08/2023
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Zoom, register for link


Looking Back at 2020:

Chinese Transracial Adoptees' Experience Amid Dual Racial Pandemics

Research presented by Hannah Wing, M.S.Ed.

Thursday, June 8th, 7-8:30 PM EDT via Zoom

This event is for Chinese adoptees, ages 16+ only

(A second iteration of this event will be open to the wider community on Wednesday, June 28th!)

We are excited to welcome Chinese adoptee Hannah Wing as she presents her research Looking Back at 2020: Chinese Transracial Adoptees’ Experience Amid Dual Racial Pandemics.

About Hannah:

Hannah Wing is a fifth-year doctoral student in Fordham University’s Counseling Psychology Ph.D. Program. She is a member of Chinese Adoptee Alliance and had previously co-facilitated discussion groups for transracial adoptees. As part of her clinical training, she has provided trauma-informed therapy to diverse populations across various settings: Veterans Affairs, civilian outpatient hospital, college counseling, and community mental health. Committed to giving voice to transracial adoptees, her research explores the identity development, racial and cultural socialization, and microaggression experiences of this community. Her publications have appeared in the Asian American Journal of Psychology and Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.

Event details: 

2020 was a time of uncertainty for us all. The repercussions of enduring the COVID-19 global pandemic and two racial reckonings, Black Lives Matter and anti-Asian hate, have had their lasting effects on the Asian community and more specifically, the Chinese adoptee community. During this event, we hope to learn more about how the pandemic era has affected the Chinese adoptee community and provide a space to reflect on our own experiences. We will have an opportunity to hear from Hannah herself as she presents her research findings. After Hannah's presentation, we will open up a Q&A portion for attendees. We will end the night in small groups to discuss amongst each other before coming back together and sharing any final thoughts. 

We look forward to creating a brave space where we can reflect and bring the Chinese adoptee community together.

*** We will be hosting a second iteration of this event with Hannah Wing that will be open to the general public, ages 13+, on Wednesday, June 28th from 7-8:30 PM EDT. We believe Hannah’s research is important for gaining a greater understanding and awareness of our experiences as transracial adoptees. We invite all adoptees, parents, family members, friends, and allies to join us on June 28th. Registration will open Friday, June 9th.***

We hope you can join us!

Comments, questions, or concerns:

@ChineseAdopteeAlliance on Instagram


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Chinese Adoptee Alliance
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies.
"C double A", formerly FCCNY.

Chinese Adoptee Alliance

PO Box 6313

Jersey City, NJ 07306

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