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Combating Anti-Asian Racism in the Wake of Atlanta: An Adoptee/Parent Fishbowl Discussion

  • 04/15/2021
  • 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM
  • Zoom, register for link
  • 0


Combating Anti-Asian Racism

in the Wake of Atlanta:

An Adoptee/Parent Fishbowl Discussion

DATE:       Thursday, April 15th

TIME:        8:00 to 9:30 PM EST


Please register for the waitlist, and we'll email you a link if you are able to join at any point during the event.

Please join us for an FCC forum bringing together Asian adoptees and adoptive parents to discuss anti-Asian racism in America.

  • ·      How has this impacted our lives?
  • ·      How can we talk about it with one another?
  • ·      What can we do about it?
  • ·      How can we support our adoptee community?
  • ·      How can we support the Asian communities around us?

 This event is open to Asian adoptees ages 18+, and adoptive parents.

[Trigger Warning: This discussion will be addressing violence toward the Asian American community, racism, and other difficult topics.]

However, we highly encourage parents with adopted children younger than 18 to join the conversation so they can be better prepared for thoughts their children may deal with as they grow.

This online event is free (though we encourage donations),

but you must register to attend.

Please register here: to receive the Zoom link.

 If you are not an FCC member, we encourage you to join at to stay up to date with all FCC events.

How the fishbowl forum will work:

During this program, there will be two groups of participants: Adoptees and Adoptive Parents. To start the discussion, Adoptees will have the space to talk among themselves, as Parents listen, about their experiences and thoughts related to the rise in anti-Asian racism in the wake of Atlanta. The conversation will then “flip” and the Parents will talk, as Adoptees listen, about their own experiences and thoughts as they also navigate these topics while raising their Asian children.

We will then move the discussion into smaller, breakout rooms, where adoptees and parents will discuss these issues together.

As part of this forum, in addition to sharing perspectives, we hope to provide some guidance on action items, as well as mental health and other resources, which both Adoptees and Parents can take away from this discussion as we move forward. 


This program is sponsored by the FCC Adoptee Board, along with the FCCNY Board of Directors, and facilitated by adoptees and parents in the FCC Community. With special thanks to Beth Christensen for bringing this program idea to fruition.

Questions?  E-mail or

 We look forward to seeing you there!

Chinese Adoptee Alliance
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies.
"C double A", formerly FCCNY.

Chinese Adoptee Alliance

PO Box 6313

Jersey City, NJ 07306

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Reach out to us and send us an email!

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