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Adoptive and Foster Family Coalition of New York (AFFCNY) 32nd Annual Conference

  • 05/21/2021
  • 05/22/2021
  • virtual


The 32nd Annual New York State Foster Care and Adoption Conference

 May 20, 21, 22 & 23,  2021 online in the AFFCNY.Network

   Dr. Bruce Perry, who recently penned a book with Oprah Winfrey, What Happened to You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing, is speaking at the conference.  In his keynote presentation, Dr. Perry will explore the impact of abuse, neglect, and chaos on children’s brain development, and how the recent pandemic may exacerbate issues. He will discuss how caregivers and professionals can understand and address behaviors, help children heal, and create a therapeutic web that surrounds the children.  Buy the book/audio and support AFFCNY

More workshops of interest: Navigating the Intersections of Transracial Adoption with Torrey E. Carroll, MA, LPC & Nikki M. Carroll, MA, LPC and Attachment and Identity in Interracial Adoption: How the Adoptee and Family are Impacted with Elizabeth Studwell, Beneath the Trauma and Toxic Stress: The Adaptation of the Brain’s Structure and Function with Renee Hettich

and much much more


$75 for 3 days programming, Plus Free Membership in the AFFCNY.Network and On Demand Video Access of all Conference Programming until August 31, 2021!

A limited number of Conference Scholarships are available this year for Foster Parents.

Adoptive and Foster Family Coalition of New York - Founded in 1975, the Coalition unites adoptive and foster parent groups, concerned agencies and individuals throughout the Empire State. We represent the families’ viewpoint and work to improve and expand the services available to children and families. The Coalition unites foster, adoptive and kinship care families, giving them a voice and providing support, information and advocacy. By fostering communication and collaboration between families, agencies and concerned citizens, we seek to ensure the stability, well-being and permanency of all children touched by the child welfare system.

Chinese Adoptee Alliance
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies.
"C double A", formerly FCCNY.

Chinese Adoptee Alliance

PO Box 6313

Jersey City, NJ 07306

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