FCCNY Adoptee Zoom Workshop:
Adoption as a Political and Social Justice Issue (Part 1)
Thursday, September 3, 2020
6pm - 7pm (EDT)
Co-facilitators: Rachel Kuo and Tiffany HyeonBrooks
**REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED and we have reached our cap.
Thank you for your interest!
We may provide resource materials after the event, available to members.**
Please join us for an interactive Zoom discussion about why and how adoption is political, and how this can inform our activism and participation in social justice movements. The facilitators will host a second, follow-up workshop that will give adoptees who attend this event a chance to share reflections about what is covered in Part 1.
This event is open to adoptees only (age of 16+ suggested).
(APs, please have your children register for themselves.)
Attendance is capped at 40 participants.
Content warning: Some historical facts mentioned about adoption may be surprising or upsetting. Please exercise judgment about your own self-care as it pertains to this content.
Registration will be open to adoptees through Wednesday, September 2, 2020 or until we have reached our cap. A Zoom link will be emailed upon registration with at least one reminder email.
Goals of the workshop:
1. To discuss how and why adoption is political.
2. To uncover the intersections between adoption and both U.S. and transnational racial justice issues.
3. To explore how an understanding of adoption as political may affect and further develop our activism/allyship in liberation movements, such as Black Lives Matter and reproductive justice movements.
4. To lay the foundation for further personal reflection and storytelling after the workshop, and introduce Part 2 of the workshop for next week.
This conversation is intended to be a space to share and process our unique experiences. We will be speaking from personal experiences. Please respect that all personal information that is discussed is to be kept private and not to be shared outside of this forum. Discussion aspects will NOT be recorded.
About the facilitators:
Dr. Rachel Kuo writes, teaches, and researches on race, social movements, and digital technology. She is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Center for Information, Technology, and Public Life at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and has a PhD in Media, Culture, and Communication from New York University. Her writing has appeared in Teen Vogue, Huffington Post, Everyday Feminism, and the Routledge Companion to Asian American Media. She is a co-founder of the Asian American Feminist Collective.
Tiffany HyeonBrooks is a writer and survivor-advocate whose work traverses the gray areas among international adoption, trauma, and reproductive justice. She grounds her perspective and commitment to this work in her lived experience as an American Korean adoptee and survivor of child sexual abuse. In her day job, she writes grants.