Discussing Race Amid COVID-19 and the BLM Movement
FCC Capital Area is hosting an event on Thursday, August 6th from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm EDT to discuss the ways in which COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement have impacted our perspectives on race.
This event is open to adoptees, adoptive parents, and supporters, with suggested age of 16+.
Registration will close 24 hours in advance. You will be emailed a zoom link upon registration and at least one reminder email.
The first part of this conversation will take place in a fishbowl format: adoptees in the inner circle will discuss their perspectives regarding race, while adoptive parents listen on the outside of the circle; the circle will then switch and adoptive parents can share how they have been supporting their children at this time.
The second part of the conversation will be a group discussion about how the Black Lives Matter movement has changed our perspectives on race.
Below are two articles to read before the event to prepare and reflect about these matters:
This conversation is intended to be a space to share and process our unique experiences. We will be speaking from personal experiences. Please respect that all personal information that is discussed is to be kept private and not to be shared outside of this forum.
questions: adopteeboard@fccny.org
Chinese Adoptee AllianceWe are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies. "C double A", formerly FCCNY.
Chinese Adoptee Alliance
PO Box 6313
Jersey City, NJ 07306
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