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Email System Switchover & Membership Renewal

  • 02/20/2020

Dear FCCNY Community,

We will be switching FCCNY's email listserv system to our membership system beginning on February 20, 2020. 

In order to continue to receive listserv emails, please check that your membership is active or renew your membership at by February 19, 2020.

Receiving these emails is the easiest way to be connected to our community. The listserv emails consist of FCC-related events and news, as well as news about wider adoptee and Asian American issues. Our listserv emails are facilitated by Kathy Urbina, an immensely dedicated and longtime FCCNY leader.


It is FCCNY's mission to connect, celebrate, educate, and advocate. Please continue to support  FCCNY and our mission!

FCCNY exists for you, as a community member. Please let us know if you have any ideas or suggestions for how FCCNY can better meet the communities' needs and aspirations. We are an all volunteer team and your support means a lot to us.

Here are some ways you can support and engage in our community in 2020:

Mild Engagement

- renewing your membership
- receiving listserv emails to stay connected
- engaging online on social media: sharing & tagging posts @fccny
- donating money
- purchasing merchandise
attending an event

Moderate Engagement

- attending events regularly & engage with community members
- hosting or planning a one-time event
- spreading the word about the community to others, regardless of their connection

High Engagement

- join the board (we are recruiting)!
- hosting or planning events regularly
- creating content centering the FCCNY community
- asking how to get more involved
- brainstorming ideas where you could support where the community lacks and taking action
- adoptees: volunteering to mentor younger adoptees
- adoptive parents/community members: guiding adoptees in personal or professional development, 
engaging and supporting  adoptees in planning events


Thank you,

FCCNY Board of Directors 

LISA GIBSON  co-president,
MAUREEN FARRELL co-president,

Families with Children From China

find us on social media!

Chinese Adoptee Alliance
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies.
"C double A", formerly FCCNY.

Chinese Adoptee Alliance

PO Box 6313

Jersey City, NJ 07306

Questions, Comments, Concerns?
Reach out to us and send us an email!

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