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  • 10/26/2019
  • 12:00 PM
  • Linsly-Chittenden Hall on Old Campus, Yale University, New Haven, CT

Hello from CASPY!

We hope that this message finds you well! CASPY at Yale is excited to announce that our Fall Program will be held on Saturday, October 26th, 2019. from noon to 4:30pm at Linsly-Chittenden Hall on Old Campus, Yale University.  We've had so much fun at past CASPY events, and we hope you can join us again this fall. The deadline for registration is October 16th, 2019, 11:59PM EST. The registration form is below:

If you know of any other families who would like to join us this semester, feel free to spread the word! We'd love to welcome more people into our family. 

**Once you sign up, please expect a confirmation email from us. Since we rely on accurate numbers for planning, we ask that if you sign up but find out later that you are unable to attend, please let us know ASAP.

*** Below, please check out a tentative schedule. There may be minor changes to the activities/location, but the program timings will stay the same. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us. Take care and we look forward to seeing your family on October 26th.

Thank you!



12:00 pm - 12:30 pm: Registration 

12: 30 pm - 1:00 pm: Lunch 

1:00 pm - 3:30 pm: Kids / Teens / Parents Program 

Our Kids Program will include crafts and fun activities designed to help adoptees connect to Chinese cultures such as our photo booth, fan making, calligraphy, face painting, and night market. Our Teens program will be an active, fun program designed to bring our teens together into a dynamic community.

For our Parents program, enjoy coffee while socializing with other parents. We are also in the process of organizing a panel of Chinese adoptees at Yale to share their experiences. 

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm: Talent Show 

4:30: Event Ends

Yale CASPY (

Audrey Huang & Vanessa Zhang

Co-Coordinators 2019

Chinese Adoptee Alliance
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies.
"C double A", formerly FCCNY.

Chinese Adoptee Alliance

PO Box 6313

Jersey City, NJ 07306

Questions, Comments, Concerns?
Reach out to us and send us an email!

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