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MOCA Dragon Boat Family Festival in NYC

  • 06/15/2019
  • Museum of Chinese in America, 215 Centre Street, New York, NY 10013

MOCA Dragon Boat Family Festival

 Saturday, June 15, 2019

Make a splash with MOCA! Celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival (端午节) with an afternoon of family fun--filled with miniature boat races, sticky rice zongzi, and plenty more!

Tickets: $10 per person. $8 for all MOCA Dual and Individual Level Members. Free for MOCA Family Level Members and above, children under 2, and Cool Culture families. Click here for ticket purchase!

See event schedule below, more to be added shortly!


Drop-In Arts & Crafts, 12-4pm

Potpourri, please!
Stuff your own good luck charm! Fill a festive fabric sachet (xiang bao) with fragrant dried flowers and aromatic herbs.

Whatever Floats Your Boat Design Challenge
Design a floatable mini dragon boat from bamboo, foam, or cork. Then test it out in a race! Will your boat float? Races held at the mini-pool every half hour.

5 Color Bracelets
Continue a Dragon Boat tradition by weaving rubber bands to create a five color bracelet symbolic of a long, healthy life. Throw it into the water after the first summer rain!

Gallery Activities, Workshops, and More!

Martial Arts Workshop | 1pm & 2pm**
Join martial artists from the New York Chinese Cultural Center for an introductory workshop that demonstrates traditional martial art forms originating from Shaolin kung fu and Yang style Tai Chi.

Paddles Up!
Get energized! Explore the roles of dragon boat team members through an interactive activity that will keep you on your feet! Bring your cameras for a special photo opportunity.

Creepy Crawly Bug Hunt
Join MOCA on a gallery hunt to drive away the five poisonous pests and protect the museum. Bring your xiang bao for good luck!

Sweet & Savory Snacks: Zongzi Wrapping & Tasting with Sophia HsuLearn why zongzi—delicious, pyramid-shaped rice balls wrapped in bamboo leaves—are eaten during the Dragon Boat Festival. Then tickle your taste buds with a piece of mouthwatering zongzi!

Balancing Act: Eggcellent Games | 3-4pm
Some say that on noon on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival it is possible to perfectly balance an egg. Try this and other challenges to usher in a lucky year. Will you crack under the pressure?

**Limited capacity.

MOCA’s Family Festival Series is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, along with the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.



Chinese Adoptee Alliance
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies.
"C double A", formerly FCCNY.

Chinese Adoptee Alliance

PO Box 6313

Jersey City, NJ 07306

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