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  • 06/15/2019
  • 12:00 PM
  • 1 Museum Road, New Windsor, NY 12553
  • 8


  • 65+ w. ID
  • 18+ w. ID

register Children and additional Adults, Seniors, & Students as add-ons in the form
Registration is closed

A Storm King Kind of Sunday - Fathom


1 Museum Road, New Windsor, NY 12553

Saturday, June 15

FCC Private Tour Starts at 12:00 Noon

Please meet at the Visitor's Center at 11:45am sharp. 

Little more than a one-hour drive north of NYC, Storm King Art Center is a 500-acre outdoor sculpture garden featuring enormous-scale installations from art world superstars such as Alexander Calder, Maya Lin, Donald Judd, Roy Lichtenstein, Richard Serra and Louise Bourgeois. Against the backdrop of the magnificent rolling hills, meadows, forests and creeks of the Hudson Valley you feel like a Lilliputian walking among the relics of giants. Even if you’re not an art lover, it’s impossible not to be swept away by the beauty and wonder of it all.

Join with other FCC members for a private tour of this magnificent site and then stay for a picnic lunch. It’s a day you won’t forget!

Open to FCCNY Members Only…Private Tour is Limited to the First 25 Registrations. You must log in to register.

REGISTER online at 


SENIORS (65+) $15*

STUDENTS (18+) $10*

AGES 5 – 17 $10*

Ages 4 and Under FREE

*Price includes admission to Storm King and a 12:00 noon Private Tour. Bring your own picnic lunch or purchase a lunch at Storm King’s Outdoor Café or Café Cart.

Storm King’s specially trained docents lead tours that are 45 to 60 minutes long and generally take place on and around Museum Hill. Please be prepared to walk up to one mile on grass.

How to get there:

By Car:  Use the address listed above to enter into your GPS system/Direction app:

Carpool: If you’re interested in carpooling (either offering or needing a ride) contact Gary Matles at and we’ll try to match you up).

By Train:  Metro North from Grand Central Station to Beacon and then a 20 minute Taxi or Shuttle ride from Beacon Station – check for schedule.

New Jersey Transit offers service from Penn Station New York and Frank Lautenberg Station in Secaucus to the Salisbury Mills Cornwall Station which is located a 3 mile taxi ride from Storm King Are Center – check for schedule.

If you have any questions or need further information contact FCC Board member Gary Matles at

Chinese Adoptee Alliance
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies.
"C double A", formerly FCCNY.

Chinese Adoptee Alliance

PO Box 6313

Jersey City, NJ 07306

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Reach out to us and send us an email!

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