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NYC Foster, Adoptive and Kinship Parent Group Gathering in NYC

  • 05/04/2019
  • Columbia University, Psychology Department, Schermerhorn Hall, Room 200B, 1190 Amsterdam Ave NY, NY

NYC Foster, Adoptive and Kinship Parent Group Gathering

May 4, 2019  9:45am-1:00pm

Columbia University, Psychology Department, Schermerhorn Hall, Room 200B, 1190 Amsterdam Ave NY, NY

212 854-3608

Organized By Adoptive and Foster Family Coalition of New York


Age Range 5 and up

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Free for Adoptive, Foster and Kinship Parents

Join us for this free gathering of parent support group leaders and members, where parents will talk about ways to connect with others and share experiences.

In addition, Nim Tottenham, Ph.D, Professor of Psychology at Columbia University, will discuss the importance of peer connections and look at “brain architecture” in terms of identity and trauma.

The goal is to bring adoptive parents, foster parents and relative caregivers together for a morning of discussion to share concerns, provide training and connect with one another locally.

Bring the kids! Free childcare will be available for pre-registered children ages five and up.  The Coalition’s Youth Programming Coordinator will lead  youths in the Express Yourself art program.

A  light breakfast  of bagels, muffins, fruit and beverages will be available.

Certificates verifying training hours available for foster parents upon request.

Contact Amy Drayer, Director of Foster, Kinship and Parent Group Services at 646.688.4321  or through email at with any questions.

FREE but RSVP Require! Register Now at

Saturday, May 4th from 9:45 AM to 1:00 PM at Columbia University, Psychology Department, Schermerhorn Hall, Room 200B in Manhattan.

Chinese Adoptee Alliance
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies.
"C double A", formerly FCCNY.

Chinese Adoptee Alliance

PO Box 6313

Jersey City, NJ 07306

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