Modeled off of our 2016 FCC Day at the NJ OCA National Convention, FCC Capital Area presents a similar conference day in Washington, DC!
FCCNY Adoptee Board member, Lucy Murray, will be speaking in Panel #4: Building a Meaningful Support Network in College.
Families with Children from China (FCC) Day
Saturday, July 21, 2018 | 10:00 AM - 4:00 pm
999 9th Street NW
A collaboration with OCA - Asian Pacific American Advocates and the Families with Children from China (FCC) Capital Area, a track that explores the relationship between the two organizations, individuals' heritage, and adoptee identity and experiences.
Arrival & Check-In
10:00 am - 10:30 am
Please check-in at the registration desk.
Welcome, Introductions, and Opening Remarks
10:30 am - 10:35 am
Wes Hagood, President, FCC Capital Area
Sharon M. Wong, National President, OCA - Asian Pacific American Advocates
Overview of OCA and Why OCA is Important to FCC
10:35 am - 10:45 am
Panel 1: Common Goals of FCC and OCA - Asian Pacific American Advocates
10:45 am - 11:15 am
A panel discussion between representatives from FCC and OCA who will present their goals, discuss what they have in common, and describe how the two organizations could best support one another in future endeavors.
Moderator: Dolores Manley, Culture and Education Liaison, FCC Capital Area
Speakers: Wes Hagood, President, FCC Capital Area; Jim Sanders, Board Member, FCC Maryland; Sharon M. Wong, OCA National President; Virginia Lou Ng, OCA Vice President of Finance
Panel 2: What can 23andMe tell Chinese Adoptees about their Heritage
11:25 am -12:25 PM
A panel discussion that will enlighten Chinese Adoptees and their parents, about how adoptees can use their own DNA to learn more about their Chinese Heritage in a fascinating and meaningful way together. This presentation will address what is 23andMe and why is it useful. It will provide an overview of the 5 Ancestry Reports and explain what they will tell a Chinese adoptee about their heritage. It will explain the primary reasons individuals have their DNA tested, how much it costs, and how to learn more about this genomic testing service. After the presentation ends, questions will be taken from the audience.
Presenter: Wes Hagood, President, FCC Capital Area
Panel 3: Return Trips to China – Planning Factors to Consider
12:35 - 1:35 PM
A panel discussion with several adoptive parents who have planned and made return trips to China via independent itinerary planning or the support of Chinese or USA tour companies. The panel will also tap into Chinese Exchange students and other US-Chinese social networking that provides meaningful insights and experiences for future travels to China.
Moderator: Yubo Zhang, At Large Member, FCC Capital Area
Panelists: Meg and Dan Maher; Patrick Brookover; Carol and Ceci Bergman; Heather and Josie Gleason; Christine Romboletti; Thesia Garner
Panel 4: College Life for Chinese-American Adoptees
1:45 PM - 2:45 PM
A panel consisting of Chinese adoptee college students who will answer questions posed by Chinese teen adoptees and their parents relating about college life for adopted Chinese Americans. Panelists will answer questions such as: What was it like to be an adoptee in college and what challenges did you experience? How has college changed or affected your identity and self-perception in terms of your ethnicity, heritage, and culture? How has being Asian affected you in college? What were three things you wished you knew before going off to college? Can you provide any tips to teens and their parents?
Moderator: Stephen Cook, FCC Capital Area Member
Panelists: Hannah Synnott, American University; Andrew Miller; George Mason University; Elizabeth Shepard, Georgetown University; Isabella Lao, University of Pittsburg
Panel 5: Building a Meaningful Support Network in College
2:55 PM - 3:55 PM
A panel consisting of Chinese adoptees university students who will describe how they built a support network when attending college. Some of these college students found ways to connect with other college students who were also adoptees, whether from China or some other country. Others built a support of new friends who were not adopted – some were Asian and others were not. Discover the techniques they used to find others who could relate to their experiences, share insight, and provide support.
Moderator: TBD
Panelists: Emily Hohman, American University; Lucy Murray, University of Maryland, College Park; Phoebe Balascio, University of Delaware
questions should be directed to Wes: