Get published in a national journal!
We invite you to join Families with Children from China chapters of Greater New York, New England, and Northern California (501c3 registered nonprofits) in our annual publication of writing & art by Chinese Adoptees!
Subscribe to FCC View only on the left (without membership to FCC NY, NE, or NorCal) to submit your creation and receive a glossy printed copy of our 16th annual issue in your mailbox this fall!
Last year we had over 40 full pages of entries, including 8 in full color, from nearly 100 Chinese Adoptees of all ages. Help us beat those numbers this year!
Example entries from past publications:
![No automatic alt text available.](https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/s720x720/981415_10151634949759604_917940892_o.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=bc5a842a4e10bb652b2e5aa886c691ce&oe=5BA7B1BE)
![No automatic alt text available.](https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-0/p526x296/1534901_10153464869094604_14307695993536909_o.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=4103842af95e9c8b22d221bd122a3a15&oe=5BAA6C0C)
![Image may contain: one or more people](https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p526x296/35463815_10156685564729604_7025541459361136640_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=93b41bf09006b646c7c5d2f50ae9abf3&oe=5BB2C1F6)
Chinese Adoptees, showcase your work in a real publication! Read what others are thinking about, see what they are experiencing, and feel connected to the greater community. Your contribution to adoptee spaces like this one, is extremely valuable to others who share this journey and to those who hope to gain a better View point. Your engagement and participation is what makes this so special. Marvel at the talents that exist in our community and show off your own!
Parents, see your child's work printed alongside their peers' and role models'. View what Chinese Adoptees are sharing and gain insight to their experiences. This publication accomplishes all four cornerstones of FCCNY's mission to Connect our community, Celebrate Chinese adoptees, culture, and heritage, Educate others about the lived experiences of Chinese adoptees, and Advocate for our community by providing a platform for adoptees to share their voice and view.
Registration & Submission*
One entry per adoptee.
Deadline: July 6, 2018
What to Submit:
- Art, writing, photographs or other creations.
- Digital Copies only (PDF, TIFF, JPG). Scanned artwork or photos of 3D works or performances, no originals, at 300dpi so we can enlarge the image. If written, no longer than 650 words.
- Works about China or being adopted are welcome, but other subjects are welcome, too.
*A View Subscription or Current 2017/2018 Membership with
is required for inclusion and receiving a copy of View.
Please consider becoming a member or renewing by logging in at the top right.
For a View Subscription only, without the full benefits of membership,
register on the left side.
Further details on How and Where to send submissions upon subscription confirmation via email.
Questions should go to RoeIntrieri@mac.com