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FCCNY YA Career Prep Workshop in NYC

  • 01/03/2018
  • 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Spence-Chapin's Modern Family Center, 410 E 92nd Street, New York, NY
  • 0


  • Spence Chapin, AKA

Registration is closed

Career Prep Night (Part 2 - January 3rd)

Janet Silverman, FCCNY Parent, has volunteered to return and speak to our young adult members about a variety of topics related to their jobs and future career. Janet has created a 2 phase series and will be developing a professional coaching practice in 2018. Her first phase was delivered and well received over the summer, and included: 
-understanding your value proposition
-assessing your current professional situation
-enhancing your resume
-creating a standout LinkedIn
-checking your social media footprint.

Her second phase includes:
-establishing your network
-tackling the job search
-creating an action plan
-successfully working with recruiting firms
-applying to specific opportunities
-tailoring your cover letter
-managing the job search

it is a lot!

When: Wednesday, January 3rd, at 6:30pm (optional overview of phase 1 starts at 5:30pm)

Since these are such important topics, we are breaking up the session into 3 parts:

1) From  5:30-6:15pm is a recap of phase one.  

2) From 6:30-7:20pm we'll start phase 2. We'll then take a pizza break!

3) 7:50 to 8:30pm will conclude phase 2 and have a Q&A session. 

Please feel free to join us at 6:30pm if you already attended phase 1.

Where: Spence-Capin's Modern Family Center. January 3rd
410 E 92nd St. New York, NY

Exact room TBD - check your registration email for updates.

Who: This event is open to the FCCNY and wider adoption community, the only requirement is being over 18 years old. It will be geared towards those entering college, in college or recent graduates, college sophomores and up. If a friend, family member, or peer would benefit from this event, please feel free to register.

Registration: We have limited space and will cap this registration at 15, therefore registration is required for you to attend. Please bring an ID that matches the name you register under. We will have pizza and drinks for you, covered by registration, which is $10/attendee for members of FCC, spence chapin, and other affiliate orgs, and $20/non members.

Speaker: Our speaker is Janet Silverman, President of Castle Consulting Services. In her own words, Castle Consulting is "a global recruiting firm mostly serving technology start-ups. We have been in business 22 years. We have placed executives, sales, marketing technical., HR, finance personnel." Prior to starting Castle Consulting Services Janet was in executive positions for AT&T, IBM and some technology start-ups. In the past year she has helped 25 college seniors and juniors and recent graduates  in private coaching sessions prepare for their job search  or job change positions or redefine their career goals.

Chinese Adoptee Alliance
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies.
"C double A", formerly FCCNY.

Chinese Adoptee Alliance

PO Box 6313

Jersey City, NJ 07306

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