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FCC NJ Young Adult Adoptees (18+) Palisades Park Hike

  • 07/23/2017
  • 11:30 AM
  • Palisades Park - Alpine Picnic Area


Registration is closed

When: Sunday July 23rd, 2017.
(rain date July 30th)

What: Picnic lunch and hike! We're going to have lunch (BYO) first at 11:30, so if you just want to hike, come at 12:30!

We are planning on taking the 3 mile Cape Fly Away trail: 
Please download and bring a copy of the trail map.

Meeting at: Alpine picnic area, 11:30am

Maps, Directions, etc:

Parking: There is a $5 cash only parking fee- bring cash!

If you need a ride, or are able to drive others, let them know and they will try and arrange a carpool to arrive at 11:30.

General instructions: Bring plenty of water and some snacks, as well as a packed lunch.

Wear socks and comfortable sneakers with ankle support (converse, vans, etc. do not cut it). Sunscreen and bug spray are highly advisable. More tips and advice a can be found on the Palisades website.

Feel free to bring a friend or two - the more the merrier!

Questions or comments please contact  June

jntchmnn@gmail.comor 973-618-6330, OR Emily or 862-268-7369

Chinese Adoptee Alliance
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies.
"C double A", formerly FCCNY.

Chinese Adoptee Alliance

PO Box 6313

Jersey City, NJ 07306

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