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Salesman之死 at the 14th St Y, NYC

  • 05/11/2017
  • 14th Street Y at 344 East 14th Street, NYC

UP NEXT //LABA at the 14th Street Y

presents an in-progress showing of




conceived/directed by Michael Leibenluft 


Thursday, May 11th at 7:30pm


14th Street Y at 344 East 14th Street, NYC


reserve $20 tickets here

industry comps available


as part of LABALive III, presented with:Wrench by Elana GreenfieldHannah and Her Sisters by Laura Beatrix Newmark

Above: Wai Ching Ho and Chun Cho. Photo credit: Amy Zhang.

What do you see when you picture Willy Loman?

This Mandarin/English bilingual performance dissects Death of a Salesman to look at how American identity is constructed on and off the stage.


Nearly thirty-five years after Arthur Miller directed Ying Ruocheng as Willy Loman in their seminal production at the Beijing People's Art Theater, our ensemble of four women investigates how and why we should tell "American" stories in an increasingly culturally fluid world.


Yahan Chang*

Chun Cho

Ying Ying Li*

Wai Ching Ho*


Dramaturgy by Jeremy Tiang

Associate Produced by Amy Zhang

Assistant Directed by Elisabeth Ng

Scenic design by Bryce Cutler

Costumes by Johanna Pan

Sound by Kate Marvin

*actors appearing courtesy of Actors Equity

Chinese Adoptee Alliance
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies.
"C double A", formerly FCCNY.

Chinese Adoptee Alliance

PO Box 6313

Jersey City, NJ 07306

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