FCCNY member Mia Rubin is a Fashion major at Parsons. Her senior thesis project, The Space In-Between, will be exhibited this weekend April 21-April 23, 2017 at New Women Space, 188 Woodpoint Road, Brooklyn, NY 11211
The Space In-Between.
This project unravels what it means to be a transracial adoptee.
How do we navigate white spaces? What is it like to be between different races, cultures, and the ability to have privilege and second hand racial privilege? Fellow adoptee and same but different sis, Shylee Garrett and I collected stories, poetry, art work, and interviews from adoptees. It's our story.
Textiles, books, clothes and research will be on display @newwomenspace Friday night 7-11 pm! The show will be up Saturday and Sunday too!
Questions? Contact Mia at rubim196@newschool.edu
Chinese Adoptee AllianceWe are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies. "C double A", formerly FCCNY.
Chinese Adoptee Alliance
PO Box 6313
Jersey City, NJ 07306
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