“Let’s Talk Adoption” Conference
Saturday: April 1, 2017
8:30 am - 4 pm
Rutgers School of Social Work
Rutgers University, Busch Campus Center
604 Bartholomew Rd, Piscataway Township, NJ 08854
7:45 - 8:30 am Registration, Check-in, Breakfast, Exhibits, Book Sales
For schedule and to register: www.cpfanj.org
Or call 908-273- 5694
Keynote speaker:
Robert L. O'Connor, MSW, Assoc. Professor and Program Director
Social Work Dept., Metropolitan State University, MN
Blueprints and Battle Plans: Preparation for Building - a Modern Multi-Racial/Multi- Cultural Adoptive Family
Workshop topics:
- Adoptees, Pre and Post-Adoptive Parents and Foster Parents, Social Workers, Birth Parents, Educators
- The New Jersey Adoptees Birthright Act
- Multicultural and trans-racial adoptions
- Citizenship Issues for Adoptees
- Routes to adoption – private, agency, international, through the state
- Foster and Kinship Care situations
- Search and reunion topics
- Issues of Loss for Adoptees
- Attachment, trauma, developing connection, and general parenting issues
- Personal stories from adoptees, adoptive parents and birth parents
Plus over 30 workshops on pre-and post-adoptive issues Coordinated by Concerned Persons for
Adoption co-sponsored by the NJ Inter-agency Adoption Council and Rutgers University School of
Social Work: Institute For Families
Early Registration Fee: $60 per person ($100/couple)
Walk-in Registration Fee: $85 per person ($150/couple)
Student Fee $30
to register visit www.cpfanj.org
Or call 908-273- 5694
Continuing Education Hours - NJ & PA Social Workers, Licensed Professional Counselors, NJ
Teachers Maximum 5 CEH Hours
Provided by Rutgers University Office