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FCC 2016-2017 Westchester Girls Alliance

  • 09/10/2016
  • Westchester location to be provided upon registration


Registration is closed

Join FCC 2016-2017 Westchester Girls Alliance

(mentor and mentee program)


This is the ninth year for the FCC Girls Alliance group.

The group is targeted for mentors in grades 10-12th and mentees in grades 6-9th.


The group will be focused on the following goals:

1)    Developing personal relationships between the mentors and mentees.

2)    Fostering communications so that the mentees establish a positive connection with the mentors.

3)    Engaging in community service activities that will benefit others as well as develop team work between the mentors and mentees.

4)    Providing leadership development for the mentors that will benefit them in high school and college.

These goals will be accomplished by providing a safe, secure environment for communication and participation in a variety of cultural and fun activities with adult supervision.

Mentors must commit to investing time in establishing relationships with the mentees.  The mentors will take on leadership roles as needed. Community service letters can be provided.

Events: Expect to have 8 events for the year that will take place on Friday evenings, Saturdays or Sundays.

Kickoff get together:

Saturday, September 10th 1pm – 3pm

Westchester location to be provided upon registration

Additional events will be discussed at the kickoff meeting.


Parent Coordinators:

Judith Santarsiero

Linda Sala


Getting Involved: Register online at

Preregistration and payment are required.  Registration will close September 8th.

Membership: Dues for the 2016-17 Girls Alliance program will be $50.00 per family for the year.  You must have a current FCCNY 2016 membership to participate in this program.

Financial assistance is available: if you feel you cannot afford FCCNY membership and/or this program, please contact Linda at, Judy at,  OR Kathy Urbina at


For further information, contact Judy @

or Linda @

Chinese Adoptee Alliance
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies.
"C double A", formerly FCCNY.

Chinese Adoptee Alliance

PO Box 6313

Jersey City, NJ 07306

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