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Central NY Chinese Culture Center Camp 7/11 – 7/15 in Syracuse, NY

  • 07/11/2016
  • 350 Nottingham Rd, Syracuse, NY 13210

Chinese Summer Culture Camp is an annual event hosted and sponsored by Central New York Chinese Culture Center (CNYCCC).

  • It is a week-long day camp and usually takes place during summer break.
  • It offers language learning.
  • It offers Chinese cultural activities both indoor and outdoor .
  • It is to meet the interests and the language skill levels of campers .
  • It is conducted in a safe, nurturing and structured environment.
  • It also has activities such as water gun fight, water balloon fun, sidewalk chalk drawing competition, etc. at our summer camps.
  • PARENTS allowed on camp!


Location: 350 Nottingham Rd, Syracuse, NY 13210


Dates: 7/11 – 7/15/2016

Times: 09:15am – 16:00pm

Fees: $125 per participant

Please make check payable to “CNY CCC Chinese Summer Camp” and mail it to: 650 James Street, Syracuse NY 13203

Register for Culture Camp! Click here.The Chinese Culture Center also provides limited scholarship: Click here to apply. 


Contact us:

Phone #: 315-634-9494


Mailing Address: 650 James Street, Syracuse, NY 13203

Website -

Chinese Adoptee Alliance
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies.
"C double A", formerly FCCNY.

Chinese Adoptee Alliance

PO Box 6313

Jersey City, NJ 07306

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