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Holt International Adoptee DAY Camp for ages 5-8yrs & parents at Camp Perlman in Lake Como, PA

  • 08/11/2016
  • Camp Perlman in Lake Como, PA

Holt International Adoptee DAY Camp for ages 5-8yrs & parents

Day camp is tailored for adoptees and parents to experience together. This single day of workshops, activities and games for adoptees and their parents will help foster new skills to talk about adoption in a fun and exciting setting. The program includes adoptee identity and race/racism education, Q&A sessions with adult adoptees and an emphasis on interactivity with both other adoptees and adoptive parents. This day camp is also an excellent way to experience our full adoptee camp without the week-long, overnight commitment! Day camp is open to all international, transracial, transcultural adoptees 5-8 years old and their parents.

The cost is $70 per parent/child pair and $20 for each additional adoptee or parent.

Eligible Participants: This program is available to all international, transracial, or transcultural adoptees and their parents. All children must be accompanied by at least one parent. Children ages 5-8 recommended.

Time: The program will begin at 10:00 AM and continue until 4:00 PM.East Coast Day Camp – August11 – Camp Perlman, Lake Como, PA

Content: The program will be geared towards social interaction with other adoptive families and adoptees. There will be workshops for parents and adoptees together and separately.

Cost: $70 for parent/child pair; $20 for each additional family member

Meals: Lunch is provided with the registration fee.

Sample Schedule:

10:00 – Arrival, Registration, Welcome

10:20 – Introduction – Icebreaker games

10:30 – Split Group Adoption Session (adoptees receive their own, age-appropriate session while parents receive their own session)

11:30 – Family Art Project

12:00 – Lunch

1:00 – Camp Staff Q&A

2:00 – Swimming and Parent/Child Activity

3:00 – Joint Parent/Child Adoption Session

3:30 – Closing

4:00 – Farewells


Register online at

If you have any questions, please contact Pame Chow, Camp Coordinator at or 541-687-2202.

Chinese Adoptee Alliance
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies.
"C double A", formerly FCCNY.

Chinese Adoptee Alliance

PO Box 6313

Jersey City, NJ 07306

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