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Touching Home in China: A Professional Development Workshop for Grades 6-12 Educators

  • 03/05/2016
  • China Institute, 100 Washington Street, New York, NY 10006

Please let your teachers/schools know about this great opportunity!

Touching Home in China: A Professional Development Workshop for Grades 6-12 Educators
Saturday, March 5 | 1:00PM – 4:00PM
Speaker: Fran Sterling
Event Fees: $15 (Attendees will receive a certificate confirming their participation in this workshop.)

China Institute

100 Washington Street

New York, NY 10006 

In this professional development workshop, tied to International Women’s Day, China Institute will partner with Touching Home in China to provide a platform for educators to discuss integrating issues related to identity and young women into the classroom, as well as the rippling consequences of China’s one-child policy.

Touching Home in China: in search of missing girlhoods is a transmedia project that uses documentary video, text, and interactive graphics to tell the story of two teen adoptees from America who return to the towns in China where each was abandoned as a newborn. Girls who grew up in these towns reveal to the Americans what their girlhoods might have been like had their lives not diverged so dramatically as babies. The Americans share the realities of their distant upbringing – opening a fascinating cross-cultural dialogue.

This workshop will meld content-rich material from Touching Home in China with expert pedagogy to maximize student engagement and relevancy to the lives of learners from middle school into high school. In the workshop educators will work with the interdisciplinary curriculum aligned to national standards and directly applicable for units in World and American History, Asian Studies, Global Studies, English/Language Arts and more. Through the cross-cultural stories of American teen adoptees, who wrestle with their dual identity as daughters in Caucasian families, and only-child daughters growing up in rural China, educators will discover a wealth of prompts leading to probing questions for student inquiry and a wide range of topics about China, including the changing lives of girls and young women.

The discussion will be guided by curriculum being developed by Touching Home in China and global educators through a grant by The Henry Luce Foundation.

To register, please contact Mr. Matthew Turner at 212-744-8181 ext. 111 or by email at

The number of participants is limited.


Questions about Touching Home in China?

Contact Melissa Ludtke

Co-Producer, Touching Home in China: in search of missing girlhoods


phone: 617-354-1728 (home/work)

cell: 617-416-1989

Skype: Melissa.Ludtke

Chinese Adoptee Alliance
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies.
"C double A", formerly FCCNY.

Chinese Adoptee Alliance

PO Box 6313

Jersey City, NJ 07306

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