July 3 – 23, 2016 Camp Clio in Lyme, CT
July 3 – 23, 2016 *One week or two* All-Day or Sleep-Away Camp Clio is unique. Adopted and non-adopted children will come together in a beautiful setting in Connecticut to share games, meals, and "old-fashioned" activities like swimming, canoeing, sailing, arts and crafts, and campfires. For the adopted kids, it will also be a camp within a camp – a place full of fun activities that will allow them to express and explore their feelings about adoption; create a positive outlet for ideas and emotions; and increase self-awareness and self-esteem. Camp Clio’s campers will have their own cabins, which they will share with teenage counselors who also are adopted. You can learn more about the camp – including how to sign up – at: http://campclio.org Questions about the camp, email info@CampClio.org or call 646-285-6237.