Asian American Women Writers Reading/ Talk - Marie Myung-Ok Lee & Susan Ito
Lost Lit is honored to present a Special Poets & Writer’s Funded Reading and chat with published Asian American Women Writers and long time friends Marie Myung-Ok Lee and Susan Ito. Marie and Susan will both read from current projects exploring themes of family, identity, health, secrets and love. Afterwards, there will be time for them to catch up in person, talk about the writer’s life and answer audience questions.
Date: Mon. Oct. 12, 2015
Reading: 7:00-8:30pm
Reception 8:30-9:30pm
Location: Grumpy Bert, 82 Bond St. Brooklyn, NY 11217
RSVP Required: (seating super limited)
Complete details:…/…/marie-myung-ok-lee-susan-ito-reading/
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