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FCC/OCA Tour w Amy Chin: Chinese American: Exclusion/Inclusion NYC

  • 03/22/2015
  • NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY and LIBRARY, 170 Central Park West at Richard Gilder Way (77th Street) New York, NY 10024
Chinese American: Exclusion/Inclusion

               Exhibition ends April 19, 2015
170 Central Park West at Richard Gilder Way (77th Street)
New York, NY   10024
     Special Guided Tour on Sunday 3/22  ~  2:00-3:15 PM
                   for FCC and OCA members Only

Led by Amy Chin, former Executive Director of the NY Chinese Cultural Center
(Amy’s family is profiled in the exhibit)
This is a fabulous opportunity to get a personal ‘behind-the-scenes’ view of this exhibition, learn how the discriminatory Chinese exclusion laws produced and shaped the current American immigration system, and hear Amy’s stories about family life in a Chinese laundry in the Bronx during the 1950s and 60s.  Enjoy the rest of this wonderful museum before or after the tour at no additional charge.
Participation is limited to the first 25 OCA and FCC members to register. Special Group Pricing:  Adults $14  ▪  Seniors $12  ▪   High School/College Students $8
mail-in the form below.                            
Chinese American: Exclusion/Inclusion  explores the centuries-long history of trade and immigration between China and the United States—a history that involved New York from its very beginnings—and will raise the question “What does it mean to be an American?” The exhibit narrative extends from the late eighteenth century to the present and includes all regions of the country, thus interpreting the Chinese American saga as a key part of American history.
Please mail this stub with your check payable to Daniel Lewis, P. O. Box 83, Elmsford, NY 10523 to arrive by Saturday March 14, 2015          
Name _________________________________________________           E-Mail ___________________________________________   
FCC / OCA chapter   __________________________       #  adult members   @ $ 14 ______      #  Seniors members@ $ 12 ______      #  HS/College students @ $8 __________
A confirmation will be sent to you by e-mail upon receipt of your check.   
Please mail this stub with your check payable to Daniel Lewis, P. O. Box 83, Elmsford, NY 10523 to arrive by Saturday March 14, 2015          
Name _________________________________________________           E-Mail ___________________________________________   
FCC / OCA chapter   __________________________       #  adult members   @ $ 14 ______      #  Seniors members@ $ 12 ______      #  HS/College students @ $8 __________
A confirmation will be sent to you by e-mail upon receipt of your check.   

Chinese Adoptee Alliance
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies.
"C double A", formerly FCCNY.

PO Box 21670
2300 18th St NW Lobby
Washington, DC 20009 

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