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FCC Marches in Manhattan 16th Annual Chinatown LNY Parade

  • 02/22/2015
  • 11:00 AM
  • PS130, Hernando DeSoto School, 143 Baxter Street (btw Grand and Hester), NYC

FCC Marches in Manhattan’s 16th Annual Chinatown Lunar New Year Parade

to celebrate the
Year of the RAM!

Sunday February 22nd, 2015

If you would like to attend please e-mail Linda Mancini at
with your name and the number of people that will be attending.  If your number of people changes, don't worry about it, we just need a ballpark count for now.
More details will follow. 

PS130, Hernando DeSoto School
143 Baxter Street (btw Grand and Hester) 
for prep, dumplings, sweet snacks, fruit, refreshments, AND Lion Dance performance!!

Walk around the corner and MARCH in the parade 
(Parade runs 1-3PM but we are usually done by 2:30 or before so you can watch the rest!)
Family members and friends are all welcome! If you can only march with us for part of the way, that's okay too! If anyone in your family has a disability that prevents her or him from walking the length of the parade, please let us know and we will provide a (well-decorated!) cargo bike to sit in.

This year FCCNY will be sporting several large, lightweight, beautifully painted RAMS on poles as well as many gorgeous calligraphied signsWe're so excited but we need you! 

You can also bring your own Ram, Sheep or Goat creation if you like! The more the merrier!

As many of you know, this parade draws thousands of people each year and features many community groups, dance troupes, marching bands, seniors playing traditional instruments, drummers, and lion dancers.  This is one of the few times that we get to participate with the greater Chinese-American community and what a special feeling it is both for us and for them to celebrate this wonderful event together!
So rug up and please join us in celebrating this Year of the Ram!

Sunday, February 22nd from 11am-3pm!

Last year pictures of our group and the fabulous horses created by Linda Mancini circulated in publications around the world!

Parade starts at Mott Street and goes through the main streets of Lower Manhattan/Chinatown (Canal, Chatham Square, East Broadway, Allan, & Grand St.) and ends at the Lower East Side on Grand and Chrystie Streets by Sara Roosevelt Park.
We will be able to return to the school after the parade if needed.

Chinese Adoptee Alliance
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies.
"C double A", formerly FCCNY.

Chinese Adoptee Alliance

PO Box 6313

Jersey City, NJ 07306

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